Jackson Cionek

How can Consciousness in the First Person gives us a better position in the face of Artificial Intelligence, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing and Surveillance Capitalism?

How can Consciousness in the First Person gives us a better position in the face of Artificial Intelligence, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing and Surveillance Capitalism?

Consciousness in the First Person gives us a better position in the face of Artificial Intelligence, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing and Surveillance Capitalism
Consciousness in the First Person gives us a better position in the face of Artificial Intelligence, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing and Surveillance Capitalism

We are already being manipulated by artificial intelligence in social networks (with Big data and Learning Machines) or Surveillance Capitalism.

Artificial intelligence (AI), combined with big data and machine learning, has played a significant role in shaping our experiences on social networks and the broader digital landscape. This influence has led to concerns about manipulation, data privacy, and the rise of surveillance capitalism.

Personalized Content: Social media platforms and other online services use AI algorithms to analyze user data and preferences. These algorithms then deliver personalized content, including news, advertisements, and recommendations, tailored to individual users. While this can enhance user experience, it also creates filter bubbles and echo chambers, where users are exposed to content that reinforces their existing beliefs and perspectives.

Behavioral Prediction: AI-powered systems can analyze user behavior to predict preferences, interests, and even emotions. This data is valuable to advertisers and businesses seeking to target specific audiences with highly relevant content and ads. However, it also raises ethical concerns about the extent to which our online activities are monitored and used to influence our choices.

Manipulation and Misinformation: AI-driven content recommendation algorithms can inadvertently or intentionally promote misinformation and disinformation. This can lead to the spread of fake news, conspiracy theories, and divisive content, contributing to polarization and undermining trust in reliable sources of information.

Surveillance Capitalism: Surveillance capitalism refers to the practice of collecting vast amounts of user data to create profiles and target users with personalized ads. This data collection is often done without users' full awareness or consent. Companies then use this data to generate revenue from targeted advertising and other commercial opportunities.

Data Privacy Concerns: The extensive collection and analysis of user data by AI systems raise serious data privacy concerns. Users may be unaware of the extent to which their personal information is being utilized, and data breaches can lead to unauthorized access to sensitive data.

As AI technologies continue to advance, it becomes crucial to address these challenges. Striking a balance between personalized experiences and user privacy, ensuring transparent and ethical use of AI, and promoting digital literacy to recognize and counteract manipulation and misinformation are essential steps to mitigate the negative effects of AI in social networks and other digital platforms. It's an ongoing process that requires collaboration between technology companies, policymakers, and society as a whole.

How can the Human Being be able to use the cognitive processes coming from the development of Consciousness in the first person to position himself well, in the face of Artificial Intelligence, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing and Surveillance Capitalism?

Navigating the challenges posed by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing, and Surveillance Capitalism requires a multifaceted approach that leverages the unique strengths of human cognitive processes and the development of consciousness. Here are some strategies to consider:

Critical Thinking and Digital Literacy: Developing critical thinking skills and digital literacy is crucial in the age of information overload and AI-driven content. Being able to evaluate the credibility and reliability of sources, recognize misinformation, and make informed decisions is essential to protect oneself from manipulation and misinformation.

Fruição and Metacognition: Fruição (Flow): Fruição, also known as "flow," refers to a state of complete immersion and focus in an activity, where individuals are fully absorbed and enjoy the process itself rather than focusing solely on the outcome. Experiencing flow can lead to increased satisfaction, creativity, and engagement in tasks. Practicing flow in daily activities can help individuals disconnect from the constant stimuli of AI-driven content and social media, allowing them to regain control over their attention and cultivate a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Metacognition: Metacognition, as mentioned earlier, involves self-awareness and thinking about one's own thought processes. Being metacognitive allows individuals to recognize cognitive biases, evaluate the reliability of information, and make more informed decisions. By engaging in metacognitive practices, individuals can better understand how they respond to AI-generated content and be more intentional in managing their interactions with technology.

Embracing moments of flow can provide a reprieve from the constant digital stimuli, allowing individuals to connect with themselves and their passions. 

Ultimately, combining these elements can help individuals establish a healthy balance between their engagement with AI and technology and their own well-being. Cultivating fruição and metacognition fosters a more intentional and empowered approach to technology use, enabling individuals to navigate the complexities of the digital world while maintaining agency over their consciousness and decision-making.

Ethical Use of AI and Technology: Encouraging the ethical development and use of AI and technology is vital. This includes advocating for transparent algorithms, data privacy protections, and accountability for the ethical implications of AI applications.

Social Engagement and Empathy: Fostering social engagement and empathy can help counteract the isolation and polarization that can result from personalized content algorithms. Engaging in open dialogue with others, seeking diverse perspectives, and practicing empathy can promote understanding and bridge societal divides.

Promoting Human-Centric Values: In the face of Surveillance Capitalism and the potential devaluation of non-monetary contributions, promoting human-centric values that recognize the worth of every individual's contribution to society is essential. Emphasizing the importance of collaboration, creativity, and community can counterbalance the emphasis on individual merit.

Advocacy and Policy Involvement: Engaging in advocacy and supporting policies that address the challenges posed by AI and related issues is vital. Advocating for strong data privacy laws, transparency in AI algorithms, and regulations to curb surveillance capitalism can contribute to a more equitable and just digital landscape.

Lifelong Learning and Adaptability: Emphasizing lifelong learning and adaptability is essential in a rapidly changing world. Continually developing new skills and knowledge can help individuals remain competitive and resilient in the face of technological advancements.

Balancing AI with Human Judgment: While AI can provide valuable insights, recognizing the limitations of technology and balancing it with human judgment is crucial. Relying solely on AI-driven decisions without human oversight can lead to unintended consequences and reinforce biases present in the data.

By combining these strategies, individuals can harness the power of their cognitive processes and consciousness to position themselves well in the digital age. Being proactive, mindful, and informed empowers individuals to adapt, make ethical choices, and maintain control over their own lives amid the influence of AI and related technologies. Additionally, advocating for responsible AI development and policies can contribute to shaping a more equitable and human-centered future.

How can the Human Being be able to use the cognitive processes coming from the development of Consciousness in the first person to position himself well, in the face of Artificial Intelligence, Tyranny of Merit, Affective Computing and Surveillance Capitalism?
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Jackson Cionek

New perspectives in translational control: from neurodegenerative diseases to glioblastoma | Brain States